Folder-Watch is a great feature of Xtream UI. It scans folders for movies and series, auto match to TMDB API and post it to Xtream Panel. However it has many bugs that I have fixed it in this patch.
- Add year tolerance +/-2. If you have a movie downloaded with IMDB data like A.Year.Ahead.2019.mp4 but this movie is named at A.Year.Ahead.2020.mp4, this is a mismatched in the year. Currently in V22F, Xtream UI will show no TMDB found. I have added year tolerance +-2. It means if the year is 2 or less year difference, it will add to the panel.
- Fix the series for the year 2020 are not being added. This is causing issue for many of us because those are new series which we need the most. I fixed them all. All are added now.
- Fix the issue of movies with different title, especially the foreign movies. Sometimes you see a movie which has different title and they usually show in the title as aka, that is a problem for TMDB database. Even TMDB API returns result found, the match rate is usually low, around 25% only. Most of us only set match rate around 80%. I have fixed this issue by still posting the movie to the database, IF the API returns ONLY 1 result.
- Added new feature: Auto add POSTER for MOVIES that are added by DISABLING the TMDB. For example ADULT movies can be posted by DISABLING TMDB. However you can’t add POSTER to it. In the php I add the root path of your image hosting of your Adult movies. It will auto scan this HTTP path and find all matching images and add to the adult movies. The title of the image and movie must be 100% matched.
- Prevent DUPLICATE movies and episodes to be added. This is a feature that is hardcoded inside the file. Simply turn it ON to remove DUPLICATE stuff. If you want to add DUPLICATE, turn this OFF. Useful features to keep your panel clean, while you can also add different quality to the PANEL like 4K.